Words of Sri Anandamayi Ma


This book contains a selection from Sri Anandamayi Ma’s replies to oral questions, recorded at meetings of large and small groups. They have been arranged, not in chronological order but, as far as possible, according to subjects. The simpler ones have been put first. They deal with meditation, the spiritual path and Self-realisation; with a great variety of problems – practical, philosophical, and metaphysical as encountered by seekers after Truth at various stages of their quest.


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This book contains a selection from Sri Anandamayi Ma’s replies to oral questions, recorded at meetings of large and small groups. They have been arranged, not in chronological order but, as far as possible, according to subjects. The simpler ones have been put first. They deal with meditation, the spiritual path and Self-realisation; with a great variety of problems – practical, philosophical, and metaphysical as encountered by seekers after Truth at various stages of their quest.

In her replies SRI MA responds exactly to the inquirer’s capacity to understand, his specific disposition and line of approach. She throws light on every question from many different standpoints. In fact, in her utterances we find united every creed and philosophy, every school of thought and method of yoga, — yet she stands above and beyond them all.


Weight 300 g

Swami Atmananda


Shree Shree Anandamayee Sangha




April, 2014


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